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Multiple touch cube

Think you can’t touch anything at the Art Institute? Think again! Visit our Touch Gallery to run your hands over sculptures of different materials. Practice with your cube. See how many people you can get to touch the cube at the same time without losing contact with it. Think Twister! Capture it in photos or video, and upload it here. Your contribution may appear in a special display at the Art Institute.

#1 Lindsey Anderson completed the task.

I found lucky number 279 on the corner of Ashland and Foster during the morning rush. I've taken a few shots of people holding the cube over the past day - one at a gathering of football fans and another at a dive bar where almost every patron joined in to put a finger or two on the red cube.

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#2 becky r commented on 12/6/2009

would LOVE to see you upload photos with people and the cube! isn't this fun?

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#3 Lindsey Anderson commented on 12/7/2009

Tried to upload photos yesterday, let's try again!

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#4 Jack commented on 12/9/2009

from your friendly neighborhood tech guy

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#5 Susan - Finder of #Niner commented on 12/9/2009

Lindsey - Great job! Keep up the good cube works!!

brings smirks

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#6 Lindsey commented on 12/9/2009

Hey Jack, thanks so much!

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